Sunday, December 22, 2019

Teaching Philosophy Encouragement Essay - 595 Words

My perspective on teaching is aimed toward giving a greater sense of confidence and self esteem to elementary school children. The purpose of education is to motivate, empower, and prepare students for their future. It is a life-long preparation of making out one’s contributions and capabilities and putting those skills to use. Nonetheless, the purposes of education are varies. The principle changes with age, environment, and the customs of the individual student. The instructions good for one may not be good for another. Kindergarten has a totally different set of priorities than middle school students. Middle school students have a totally different set of priorities than High school students. I would love to teach a diverse group of†¦show more content†¦Comprehending that teacher instructional strategy must be at variance. However, I believe you should maximize academic learning time through a well thought-out environment. My classroom management plan will reflect my individual personality, teaching style, and philosophy of education. The most important key to set the tone in class is your body language, eye contact, and tone of voice. Behavioral improvement is most effective when you use a calm tone and make an effort to emphasize with the student. Explaining to them why they are wrong is very important. Helping them come up with a solution to solve the issue helps establish a deeper connection. Moreover, my classroom will have rules written and explained on a poster board displayed in the classroom. I will use motivation tools when trying to determine how to implement rewards in my classroom; I will use different kinds of incentives. One way to help students see the goal-setting process is to set a class goal and work together to achieve it. Every teacher’s ethical role in the classroom and community should include, mutual respect. Teachers, administrators, and students all have a right to be treated with dignity and equality. Any person can see how treating young people respectfully gives confidence and encourages the progress of a motivated identity and a strong self-image. Therefore, the classroom policies need to be aShow MoreRelatedEducation: The Expert Theory Essay1082 Words   |  5 PagesParamount to my teaching philosophy is building strong relationships with students. By illustrating that I care for their needs and desires, I hope to become approachable and produce a sense of belonging. In my opinion, students possess an innate need to belong to social groups, and the development of positive relationships is imperative to students’ satisfaction of this need. 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Saturday, December 14, 2019

Space Exploration Free Essays

From technological advancements to discoveries of new life, space exploration has led to much advancement, including ones that we use in our daily lives. An example would be those comfortable beds that are made of memory foam. Unlocking the mysteries of what’s beyond or planet is the solution to many problems we have here on earth. We will write a custom essay sample on Space Exploration or any similar topic only for you Order Now The possibility of finding new resources and life in space, overpopulation on planet earth and finding a new source of fuel are just a few of many reasons to encourage space exploration. Planet earth is slowly becoming more crowded every year, China has even started to limit the number of children parents are allowed to have. If this continues and all countries start to limit kids, there are just a few generations of having siblings left, us being one of the last. The only positive solution to this problem is to find another planet to colonize. Colonization of another planet is only possible through space exploration. â€Å"Every 20 minutes, the human population grows by about 3,000† (Saracino, 1). At this rate â€Å"the global population will reach about eight billion by 2030† (Wise 1). Next thing you know, people will be moving in with the penguins in Antarctica or up in the North Pole with Santa clause. I agree that limiting kids can help with this problem but it isn’t a permanent, or at even a long term solution. The sooner we begin to support more space exploration, the sooner we will find out about other planets. If airplanes weren’t fascinating enough, imagine how fascinating it would be to visit family and friends that are literally out of this world. I understand that this sounds outrageous, but it is possible. Along with the population of earth increasing, earth is also running out of natural resources such as water, oil and coal. Not concerned yet? Earth is also running out of Gold, Diamond, Silver and even food. Now that we know the problem, lets come up with a solution. â€Å"Everything we hold of value on Earth — metals, minerals, energy, water, real estate — is literally in near-infinite quantities in space† (Diamandis 1). Near-earth asteroids are abbreviated NEA’s, they are basically asteroids that are closer to earth than ones on the asteroid belt. NEA’s are filled with a liquid that is very similar to water. This â€Å"water found on the NEAs could be broken down into hydrogen for fuel and oxygen for breathing to extend future space travel† (EnergyDigital). If asteroids alone contain resources, conceptualize what resources would be available of planets in different temperatures. It is also true that resources would be available underwater on planet earth, but it is impossible to find liquid resources underwater, resulting in not substitute for fuel. If you don’t believe me about resources in space, let me just tell you that â€Å"diamonds are literally raining down on Neptune† (Rist, Curtis. â€Å"Neptune rising. † Discover. September 2012. Print). There are also rumors that there is a planet made of diamond in our solar system. Space exploration has caused lots of new inventions that are very useful to society and are a part of our daily lives. Invisible braces, scratch resistant lens, cordless tools, shoe insoles are all inventions that were first used to on a rocket to get to space. Space exploration is being overlooked lately and that’s why another everyday invention hasn’t been invented recently. If you don’t believe that those inventions listed earlier are important, then let me tell you this, think about your cell phone, feature like texting, cameras, long distance calling and mobile network wouldn’t be possible without NASA. More space exploration will lead to more everyday inventions because rockets are always getting better and more reliable. NASA believes that in the process of space exploration, they will discover a new source of fuel to replace oil. Many people believe that space exploration is a waste of money because it cost a ridicules amount of money. This is not true, the most NASA has ever received from the federal government was fourteen billion dollars in the year 1999. That may sound like a lot but its only 5. 5% of the federal budget, â€Å"Microsoft’s corporate revenues in 1999 were roughly the same as NASA’s budget that year† (â€Å"NASA’s budget in perspective† 50). In the U. S, NASA is receiving â€Å"the smallest budget of any major agency† (Adamu, 2). So as you can see, it really isn’t that much at all. Space exploration has helped the world with health and medicine advancements. â€Å"In the 1960s, NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory created digital image processing† (Adamu, 1). Digital image processing is now used to enhance images of organs in humans to find out if they are functioning right or not. In the medicine field, Dan Carter â€Å"discovered that space-produced crystal could be used to make the atomic components of albumin [†¦] an essential human protein† (Adamu, 1). Why was this so important? Albumin â€Å"helped lead to the development of a cancer drug combination approach and skin care products† (Schrenk, 3). Space exploration has helped lead to advancement in our health industries to promote a healthy life without even knowing it. It is very possible for Space exploration to discover a cure for the deadly disease, cancer. Many children, including me, were inspired to become a scientist, engineer or astronaut when Space exploration was popular and continuously in the news. Pictures that are taken of planets, and videos of astronauts in space are enough to inspire a child and make him/her want to be like that someday. Space exploration also helps the environment. Satellites help us understand our atmosphere and the reactions of our environment to the sun. Satellites also help forecast weather conditions because it shows the movement of clouds and temperature. There are many questions about aliens. What if aliens cause a war between planets? What if aliens invade earth? How do we communicate with aliens? But the real question is that do Aliens even exist? Or are our human imaginations just making them up? It’s impossible for us to find out unless we support more space exploration. Many question about aliens are questioning how bad aliens would be, but how about asking how good they would be. Do they know or have a cure for cancer? What resources do they live on? I personally think that aliens do exist but we never really know until we have proof. With all this information, how can anyone be against space exploration? We have many reasons to thank space exploration. The U. S especially has reduced funding for space exploration, which causes NASA to not have the money to go on new space missions. Even with a limited budget, â€Å"President Obama emphasized at a 2010 conference at the Kennedy Space Center that space exploration has been key to America’s position as a world leader† (Birch 1). The universe is huge, and compared to it earth is the size of an atom only uneducated people who don’t do research oppose exploration of space. Overcrowded earth, running out of resources, new technologies is major reasons to start unlocking secrets of the universe. So start spreading the word! Contact congress and tell them to keep NASA and don’t sell it to another country. You can get the discussion going on Facebook or twitter or start a blog. How to cite Space Exploration, Papers Space Exploration Free Essays English Composition II There are many issues that occur within our planet such as the so called upcoming war with North Korea, animal extinction, economy issues, lack of Jobs, etc. That needs attention and a well thought out plan so It can be dealt with. The subject area that I will be discussing Is based on Science, Health and Environmental Issues. We will write a custom essay sample on Space Exploration or any similar topic only for you Order Now The main topic I will be discussing and debating on the issue whether or not should the United States continue to fund space exploration even though we have our own matters to attend on planet Earth. My research project Includes with the supporting point of view, the UN-supporting point of view, ending with my personal opinion towards which is more worldwide beneficial. People Supporting Space Exploration: Based on the National Aeronautics And Space Administration A lot of people believe that the money e use to fund space projects can be used for a more economical relevant cost, such as helping Africa, or helping our own economy. But in fact funding space projects does help our economy. Space exploration creates Jobs; It employs engineers, mechanics, astronauts, highly educated scientist and many more. Billions of taxpayer dollars goes to NASA but in reality Nanas budget is less than 1% of the national budget. United States spends about 20 billion dollars on air-conditioning tents In Afghanistan opposed to the 19 billion dollar budget that NASA has. Although NASA Is electing billions a year, that money doesn’t go to waste. NASA has designed a new type of technology called vortex combustion, which makes rockets fly further, faster with using less fuel. This design was built by one of Nanas contractors ORBITER. More Information and facts describing the Vortex Combustion RamJet (VICE) can be found in the on this link under NASA. Gob http://sibs. Gaffs. Nonages/Sober/abstracts/98/ sibs/phases/Sober-98-1-07. 4-AAA. HTML. ORBITER took the same design and instead of making it work with a rocket, they put it with a water hose. By doing this ORBITER as created the world’s fastest water hose of today. Let’s say we find a way to make mars habitable, wouldn’t it be great to extend mankind. Space exploration continues to grow and give valuable information that the united Sta tes requires to grow. Some of the items we use in today society, such as GAPS system, cellophane, cordless power tool, the padding Inside the football helmet and even clean water Is all thanks to space exploration. A well known Scientist and Internet’s favorite astrophysicist, published a book originally named â€Å"Failure to Launch: The dreams and delusion of OFF explains about how the American people mislead themselves into believing misconceptions about space exploration and as a result the purpose and necessities of a space program are now misunderstood. He argues and pleas to give NASA the money it needs in order to stimulate the economy and inspire students to pursue innovative projects. It is essential that space exploration be funded by government funds instead of privately funds, because the government has the necessary power and money to make and continue to have a successful discoveries and it ties along tit the military due to classified information being safe guarded from others doesn’t have the need to know, rather than being funded private funds with less funds and will lose the advantage of working with the military and vice-versa. Today on earth there are more than 7 billion people and growing, the world is over populated and if we would ever get a chance to move we would. Living on another planet may sound like the science fiction movie Star Wars, but it can be possible. This is why we explore, c(Iroquois is what built the world we have today. People Against Space Exploration: Thousands of people believe that we should be studying our own planet first then move on to others, but who’s to say if we shut down space programs we will use the left over money to explore our Saracens, or give the money directly to us people. We have 314,686,189 living in the United States, if we divided Nanas budget to give every person in the United States a share of the money everyone will only get about $60. 7 a year. That doesn’t sound very attracting, so chances are we the people will not get any share directly if NASA were to be shut down. There are so many social problems n the world like poverty, unemployment, medical diseases, sanitation, food and safe drinking water, which is yet to be solved. So it is suggested that the people should utilize this amo unt for eliminating this social problem rather than funding for space exploration. My reason for supporting fund space exploration Based on the statistics on the resourceful website debate. Rag 68% of the people support the funding towards exploring in space and 32% goes against this factor. Human beings by nature are explorers. We enjoy going to new places, discovering new things and seeking out knowledge. If this were not the case we might still be thinking the Earth was flat. Exploring space not only fulfills a nature driven quality in humans, it also gives us the knowledge we need for advancement. Whether this knowledge provides us with new sources for energy, how the Universe came to be or the possibility of expanding humankind to new worlds. My opinion for supporting funds for space exploration is that it is a better decision to choose because it has greater impact. When it comes to making a decision of two different perceptions, I tend to think of the big picture. Who is to say we may have meteor hitting earth and e happen to come across a better way to track and avoid another big bang theory on earth by continuing and persuading space exploration or even have already a 2nd planet such as mars ready to have human being living in as the new home. To me, I see that there is more to see than meets the eye, by this I mean that there is no point on discovering our own planet earth if, god forbid, we will meet the end of our destruction due to unexplained outer source, that could’ve been avoided. Support be more accurate and aware of our surrounding in this universe to keep mankind living longer. Reference Has, Fen; Cox, Ken (February 20, 2009). â€Å"Sustainable Space Exploration and Space Development – A Unified Strategic Vision†. How to cite Space Exploration, Papers

Friday, December 6, 2019

Example of Scientific Method Essay Example For Students

Example of Scientific Method Essay Scientific Method Deforestation in Rhondonia, Brazil In one of the major regions of deforestation, the province of Rhondonia, Brazil, the rainfall has been severely and or completely stopped. As the tropical rainforest of Rhondonia, Brazil is leveled for farmland, rainfall is significantly and directly reduced. Rainfall is reduced because there are fewer trees to return water vapor to the air through tree transpiration, or water evaporation through trees. Relative humidity is the amount of water vapor in the air compared with the amount of vapor needed to make the air saturated at the airs current temperature. The point past saturation is precipitation, or rainfall. If deforestation is the cause of decreased rainfall, then decreased average relative humidity will be evident. In order, to isolate deforestation as the primary factor causing decreased rainfall, tests will be conducted to measure relative humidity. A sling psychrometer will be used to gain these measurements. HTM It is used to measure the amount of moisture in the air. The dry-bulb thermometer measures the air temperature, and the wet-bulb measures the lowest temperature that can be obtained by evaporating water into the air at constant pressure. A calculator will be used to convert to relative humidity. http://www.srh.noaa. gov/elp/wxcalc/rh.html El Paso National Weather Service Offices weather calculator This converter will take the wet-bulb temperature, the air temperature and the current uncorrected pressure and calculates the relative humidity and dewpoint. Please enter your air temperature and then choose either Fahrenheit or Celsius. Please enter your wet-bulb temperature and then choose either Fahrenheit or Celsius. Please enter your actual station pressure (not sea level pressure) and then choose either millibars or inches of Mercury. Relative humidity measurements will be taken every day for one year. The measurements will be taken at different stations in the rainforest. Four stations will be located no further than 10 miles from current areas of deforestation. Four other stations will be located at the interior of the rainforest, and at least 50 miles from recent deforestation. After these measurements are taken, they will be analyzed in three different ways. The daily measurements were tracked for one year. Comparison 1 The recent relative humidity measurements of the rainforest will be compared to previous figures of relative humidity. The average off all relative humidity measurements will be compared to the relative humidity of the rainforest before this experiment. Comparison 2 Recent relative humidity measurements of different regions of the rainforest will be compared. Measurements from areas near to sites of deforestation will be compared to measurements from sites further from areas of deforestation. Comparison 3 Measurements towards the end of the study will be compared to measurements at the end of the study. Average relative humidity measurements for the first month of the study will be compared to the average from the last month. Comparison 1 Taking the average of all measurements and comparing it to the average relative humidity from the prior year it was found that the average relative humidity had dropped one percent. Comparison 2 Taking the average of each stations relative humidity, it was found that all stations within 10 miles from deforestation had an average of two percent lower that stations at least 50 miles from deforestation. Comparison 3 Taking the average relative humidity for the last month from all stations and comparing it to the first months average it was found that the average had dropped .5 percent over the year. The findings suggest that deforestation is affecting the amount of rainfall in Brazil. The deforestation will not only continue to affect rainfall but will lead to increased global warming as evaporative cooling decreases. Evaporative cooling takes place when solar energy, or heat, is used to convert water from trees to water vapor or humidity. .ucc6efda3389368e2f2239a083c5ea08c , .ucc6efda3389368e2f2239a083c5ea08c .postImageUrl , .ucc6efda3389368e2f2239a083c5ea08c .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ucc6efda3389368e2f2239a083c5ea08c , .ucc6efda3389368e2f2239a083c5ea08c:hover , .ucc6efda3389368e2f2239a083c5ea08c:visited , .ucc6efda3389368e2f2239a083c5ea08c:active { border:0!important; } .ucc6efda3389368e2f2239a083c5ea08c .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ucc6efda3389368e2f2239a083c5ea08c { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ucc6efda3389368e2f2239a083c5ea08c:active , .ucc6efda3389368e2f2239a083c5ea08c:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ucc6efda3389368e2f2239a083c5ea08c .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ucc6efda3389368e2f2239a083c5ea08c .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ucc6efda3389368e2f2239a083c5ea08c .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ucc6efda3389368e2f2239a083c5ea08c .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ucc6efda3389368e2f2239a083c5ea08c:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ucc6efda3389368e2f2239a083c5ea08c .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ucc6efda3389368e2f2239a083c5ea08c .ucc6efda3389368e2f2239a083c5ea08c-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ucc6efda3389368e2f2239a083c5ea08c:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Sex Education EssayBibliography: .